Staying Healthy While Working from Home | Hoppers Lane GP

Staying Healthy While Working from Home

Written by Accredited Practising Dietitian Vicki Foord

Who doesn’t love working from home? No communiting, no ironing, no packed lunches and best of all, you get to stay in your pyjamas all day (unless you have a Zoom meeting)! But this can also present a new set of challenges, especially when it comes to your health and well-being. The lack of social stimulation, reduced level of productivity and the tempation of reaching for desirable snacks in the kitchen can become a recipe for disaster! 

Below our Dietitian has provided some helpful tips on how you can stay healthy and productive, while working from home.

Maintain a similar morning routine

Human beings are creatures of habit. Having a routine does help us mentally prepare for the day ahead. Whether it’s taking a shower, drinking a cup of coffee, eating your breakfast, reading the newspaper or even walking the dog, try and to stick to those morning rituals as much as possible. This will help get you ready for the work-day at home, just like it did when you were working in the office.

Plan out your meals

Planning your meals for the week can help you manage your time more efficiently. This also means you’ll spend less time thinking about food when you’re hunger, so will be more likely to make better food choices.

To get you started, we’ve included some healthy meal ideas below: 

Breakfast: milk with natural muesli, handful of blueberries and almonds

Morning tea: fruit with natural yoghurt 

Lunch: chicken and salad sandwich or wrap (wholegrain) 

Afternoon tea: vita-weat biscuits with cottage cheese and tomato 

Dinner: salmon with salad and wild rice  

Supper: handful of unsalted nuts 

Keep healthy snacks on hand 

It’s so easy to fall into the habit of mindless snacking when you’re working from home, particulary when the fridge and cupboard is so readily accessible! A great tip to help minimise the mindless eating throughout the day is to always check to see if you’re actual hungry before grabbing a snack. Chances are you could be getting peckish due to stress, lack of motivation or boredom. 

Stocking up your pantry with some nourishing items will certainly be a great strategy. We have listed some healthy snack options below that will help keep you satisfied and energised while working from home. 

  • Yoghurt and fruit
  • Unsalted nuts 
  • Vegetable sticks with hommus or gaucamole 
  • Wholegrain crackers (e.g. vita-weat) with avocado and tomato 
  • Popcorn 
  • Roasted chickpeas 
  • Homemade muesli bars (see recipe) 

Try and eat away from your desk

You might be tempted to work all day without a proper break so you can get all your work done in the fastest possible way. We highlighly recommend for you to take some time out for yourself and step away from the computer, particulary when you’re having a snack or eating your lunch. This will allow you to focus on what you’re eating, enjoy your meal and become more satisfied. Studies have shown, breaks can actually significantly improve productivity levels and a person’s ability to focus. This may help you get through the afternoon when three-thirtyitis hits! 

Set some time aside for exercise 

Since we don’t have to travel anywhere, working from home can quickly lead to a sedentary lifestyle. It may take lots of self-discipline and motivation, but it’s important for us to remain active for our mental and phyiscal health. Throughout the day, look for reasons to stand up and move. Go for a walk or join a Zoom fitness class when you have a break. Studies have demonstrated that exercise can help improve your mood, stimulate creativty and enhance focus, making it an all-round win for your health and productivity. 

There are plenty of free and inspiring exercise videos on YouTube and smartphone apps ranging from yoga, pilates or total body workouts. Exercise Right at Home also provides a range of free workout videos created by ESSA accredited exercise physiologists. The workout videos offer a range of programs such as strength training, aerobic activities and falls prevention exercises that can all be completed right at home. For more details, please visit their wesbite on:

If you’re unsure whether these exercise videos are right for you, please speak to your Doctor or an Accredited Exercise Professional before commencing these workouts.  

Best Foods to Eat Before and After Exercise | Hoppers Lane GP

Best Foods to Eat Before and After Exercise

Written by Vicki Ma (Accredited Practising Dietitian and Sports Dietitian)

Feeling hungry and tired after your workout? Chances are you may not be having the right nutrition.

Just like a car needs fuel, your body needs energy to function and exercise. The amount of energy required is different depending on each individual. The three main foods that provide our body with nutrient and energy are carbohydrate, fat and protein.


Provides fuel to the body and is an important energy source for exercise. Starting a workout without carbohydrate foods can lead to early fatigue, slower recovery time and a reduced ability to train hard.

Remember not all carbohydrate foods are equal, some are better than others. Ensure to choose low glycaemic index (GI) foods as these are broken down slower in the body – providing you with longer lasting energy. These include whole grain breads and cereals, muesli bars, yoghurt as well as fruits such as apple, banana and orange.


Is really important for building and repairing muscles so they can get bigger and stronger. It can also keep you fuller for longer, helping to curb your appetite. Our body breaks down protein into amino acids. There are 20 different amino acids, eight of which are essential and must come from the diet. The best sources of protein come from animal based products such as meat, fish, chicken, eggs and milk. These are considered as High Biological Valued (HBV) proteins as they contain all of the essential amino acids required by the human body. Plant based proteins such as lentils, tofu and nuts only contain some of the essential amino acids and are considered to be of Lower Biological Value (LBV).


Small amounts if dietary fat is essential for our body. Try to choose good sources of dietary fats such as monounsaturated or polyunsaturated fats, these are also beneficial for our heart. Good fats are found in food such as avocado, nuts, fish, olive oil and olive oil based margarines.

Nutrition and exercise: 

Eating the right foods before and after exercise can make a significant difference to your training and performance goals. To get most out of your work out, you should eat a combination of protein and low GI carbohydrate foods to help you stay energise, build lean muscle and speed up rate of recovery.

What foods to eat before and after exercise: 

There is no one “best” pre or post-exercise meal option. It really depends on what your requirements and individual goals are, but I do have a few ideas to get you started!

Pre-exercise snack/meal options:

  • 200g natural yoghurt with fruit
  • 1 slice of fruit toast with ricotta cheese
  • Tuna with 4 x Vita Weat biscuits
  • Banana with handful of almonds
  • Fruit smoothie (250ml low fat milk, 2 tablespoons yoghurt, ½ cup frozen berries)

Post-exercise snack/meal options:

  • Ham/chicken/turkey/tuna salad sandwich (wholegrain bread)
  • Spaghetti bolognaise: 1 cup cooked pasta + ½ cup mince sauce and 2 cups salad
  • ½ cup baked beans with scrambled eggs on 2 slices of toast (wholegrain bread)
  • Baked sweet potato with ham, corn and cottage cheese filling
  • Chicken or beef stir-fry with 1 cup cooked basmati rice

When should you eat? 

The timing of protein and carbohydrate is also important. For maximum recovery and muscle resynthesis, make sure you have your post-exercise meal within 30 – 60 minutes after your workout. Don’t miss this window of opportunity!

To avoid unnecessary calorie intake, make sure your recovery meal is the next meal. This will mean you are not eating an extra meal / snack on top of your recovery meal.

By having the right nutrition at the right time, it could potentially help your body to adapt and become fitter, faster and stronger.


Burke, L. Deakin, V. (2015). Clinical Sports Nutrition 5E. Australia: Mcgraw Hill, pp.

Sports Dietitians Australia. Eating and Drinking During Exercise [cited 2017 July 10]. Available

Australian Institute of Sport. Recovery Nutrition [cited 2017 July 10]. Available

How To Support Your Immune System During Coronavirus Outbreak

Support Your Immune System During Coronavirus Outbreak

Written by Vicki Ma (Accredited Practising Dietitian and Sports Dietitian)

With millions of jobs at risk due to the coronavirus pandemic, looking after your health would be the furthest thing from your mind. But it is ABSOLUTELY paramount for you to not only look after your health, but also the health of your loved ones (more so than ever).

You can protect yourself from the virus on the outside by practicing proper hand hygiene and you can also build up your defences from the inside by supporting your immune system. Having a stronger immune system will not prevent you from getting coronavirus if you were exposed, but it could potentially reduce the severity of the illness and help speed up rate of recovery.

Here are some great suggestions to help support your immune system. In the meantime, stay calm, safe and look after each other. And remember, we are all in this together!

Include more plant-based foods in your diet 

One of the best ways to build a stronger immune systems is to ensure you’re eating plenty of colourful fresh fruits, vegetables and whole grain foods. These are rich in vitamins, minerals and antioxidants, which are importance for maintaining your health and well-being. If you find it difficult to access fresh fruit and veg, frozen ones will also do the trick.

Here are some helpful suggestions on how you can include more plant-based foods in your diet:

  • Add fresh/frozen/canned (juice drained) fruit on top of your breakfast cereal or yoghurt
  • Have a fruit salad or fruit skewers (kids will LOVE this) as a snack
  • Make a fruit smoothie using a few different fruits (banana and blueberry is our favourite)
  • Grate up some fruit or veggies to make sweet or savoury muffins (you can try grated carrot, zucchini and apple)
  • Use leftover vegetables to make a big batch of soup. You can even add lentils, chickpeas or beans to increase the protein content
  • Add lots of salad based vegetables to your sandwich
  • Include more vegetables on your pizza topping (such as capsicum, baby spinach, mushrooms, tomatoes and onion)
  • Add frozen or freshly chopped vegetables in your spag bol
  • Use left-over roasted veg to make a frittata (click here for the recipe)

Ensure you are getting enough Vitamin D 

During these uncertain times, we may be faced with extended periods of getting minimal sunlight due to self-enforced social isolation and being indoors most of the day. It’s still important that we try to get some sunshine (where possible). This could simply mean going out into your backyard or balcony for a short period of time, so that we are not missing out on the essential Vitamin D. Research has shown Vitamin D helps support our immune system and can even help give us some degree of protection against acute respiratory infections.

There are very few foods that contain Vitamin D. These include eggs, liver, fatty fish (e.g. mackerel, herring and salmon), cheese and fortified margarine. The best way to get enough Vitamin D is via sunlight or supplementation.

Before you rush off to purchase Vitamin D supplements, it’s important to remember that these are not some sort of magic pill to help protect you from getting coronavirus (if you were exposed). It may however, help support your immune system and speed up your rate of recovery if you did get sick.

Build your gut microbiome 

Gut microbiome is the trillions of bacteria, viruses and microbes that live in our stomach. These play a pivotal role in the body’s immune response to infection and appears to be a key in determining our overall health. To feed your gut microbiome and help it thrive, we need to eat a variety of prebiotic and probiotic foods.

  • Probiotics – are the live cultures of good bacteria in our gut. These help change our intestinal bacteria to balance gut health. Great sources of probiotic foods include: yoghurt, kefir, kimichi, sauerkraut, pickles, tempeh and miso seasoning.
  • Prebiotics – are the non-digestible dietary fibres found naturally in food. These help to promote the growth of good bacteria in our large intestine. Great sources of prebiotic foods include: asparagus, beetroot, green peas, leek, lentils/chickpeas, onion, garlic, pomegranate, grapefruit, rye bread and barley.

When the gut isn’t functioning efficiently, you may miss out of absorbing all the essential nutrients required to build a strong immune system. So make sure you are eating a varied and balanced diet to help maintain the diversity and proper function of your gut microbiota.

How our Eat for Wellness Dietitians’ Can Help You! 

If you would like to seek further nutrition advice on how to build your immune system, our EFW Dietitians’ can help provided you with a balance eating plan that’s individually tailored to suit your needs. We now have telehealth consults for your convenience, so you won’t need to leave your home! Please contact us for further details.

Introducing Onsite Medical Hub – For good workforce health

Workforce Employee Vaccination and COVID-19 Screening across Victoria by Onsite Medical Hub
Workforce Employee Vaccination and COVID-19 Screening across Victoria by Onsite Medical Hub

At Victoria's forefront

Introducing Onsite Medical Hub, a new workplace vaccination clinic, with a commitment to be at the forefront of protecting workplace employees from seasonal influenza and global pandemic threats.

Based at the heart of Melbourne city, Onsite Medical Hub has established a network of partners that functions all across the state of Victoria. Each year they work with a range of clients catering to the needs of businesses including retail, hospitality and building and construction, however big or small.

Whether your workplace needs to provide vaccinations to upto 5000 employees or coordinating 100 COVID-19 tests at a time, they cater to all your unique needs that have been possible with their partnership with NATA/RPCA accredited laboratory, Australian Clinical Labs.

Onsite Medical Hub offers services in Melbourne and extends throughout Victoria with affiliate partners in all other states of Australia.

A team that delivers

Onsite Medical Hub has teamed up with top-notch general practitioners and nurses with a management team who are highly experienced in conducting both on-site and off-site employee health screenings and vaccination programs.

“Our experienced medical and nursing team will attend your workplace and administer vaccinations with minimal disruption to work-flow and productivity. Vaccination programs can be delivered to your industry-specific needs, whilst catering to your organisation’s unique preference and systems.”

Lead by Dr. Katie Mellor, their streamlined testing programs enables your employees to get vaccinated from influenza, health screenings and medical advice, all under one roof. In addition, they are conducting onsite COVID-19 employee screenings for all employees to get tested and receive their results quickly.

Visit the Onsite Medical Hub website to learn more.

When You Need a General Practice Physician, a Williams Landing GP is the Doctor to See

When you have a health issue, a general practice doctor is the first port of call for treatment and advice. GPs have broad knowledge and the skill to diagnose most health issues, and a GP doctor can decide whether to treat your illness or if needed write a referral for you to see another health professional who is a specialist in your condition.

Medicare doesn’t offer a rebate to persons who see a specialist without a referral from their GP doctor, but that’s not the only reason to visit a general physician first. Should you need to see several different health professionals for treatment, your GP will be the person who coordinates your care.

Choose a General Practice Physician That’s Best for You

It’s best not to wait until you are sick or injured to book your first appointment with a GP. When you schedule an appointment for a general check-up, you can see whether you like them and start to develop a long-term relationship with your general practice doctor. Your GP will most likely take care of your health for many years, so it’s important to find someone you trust and whom you feel comfortable to talk with honestly and openly. At Hoppers Lane General Practice, we have male and female GPs; they understand the community’s culture and can speak several languages.

The Services You Need, at an Affordable Cost

A GP isn’t only there for you when you are sick, but a regular check-up can also help you to lead a healthy lifestyle. Immunisations, management of chronic disease, and family planning can all add to a long, healthy life. At Hoppers Lane General Practice, these health services are available to patients at every stage of their life, and we also offer cosmetic treatments, travel health, and medical examinations for aviation, heavy vehicle and taxi licences.

When you don’t feel well or have suffered an injury and need to go to the doctor, the last thing you want to worry about is how much it will cost you. At Hoppers Lane General Practice, we charge Medicare rates and bulk-bill our patients’ claims. If you have a valid Medicare card, you won’t need to pay cash when you see a general physician. Bulk billing includes pathology and X-rays, but some services are excluded by Medicare. If you book a procedure such as a vasectomy, ask the receptionist for a quote before your appointment.

There’s a GP Doctor for You at Hoppers Lane General Practice

At Hoppers Lane General Practice we carefully select every general practice physician to serve the local community and its needs. If you regularly visit your Williams Landing GP for a check-up, they will get to know you and your family, which makes them better able to offer you care and treatment.

It’s easy to schedule your appointment; current patients, as well as new patients are welcome to book an appointment online to see a GP. Alternatively, call us at 03 8731 6500 to schedule an appointment or talk to the receptionist if you have questions about a general physician and the services we offer at Hoppers Lane General Practice.

Turn to Hoppers Lane General Practice for a Clinic and Medical Centre Open Sunday

Hoppers Lane General Practice makes getting the care you need as convenient as possible. When you’re dealing with illness, injury, or a family member in need, your priority is finding the right care quickly. Since health issues always seem to happen at the worst times, you need to know there’s someone you can count on to be there for you—even on a Sunday.

We make every effort to create easy ways for you to contact us, book your appointment, and visit our facility. Even for non-emergency needs, our Hoppers Lane medical centre is open Sunday to work around your schedule. This flexibility lets you schedule your kids’ medical check-ups on a Saturday or Sunday and skin keeping them home from school for care during the week.

What Makes Hoppers Lane General Practice the Medical Clinic for Me?

You’ll find care for a variety of medical conditions and needs all in one place. As a general practice, we are happy to be the first ones you turn to for medical care of all kinds. Here are some of the services we offer:

  • General Medicine
  • Chronic Disease Management
  • Shared Maternity Care
  • Pre-employment Medicals
  • Aviation Medicals
  • Cosmetic Injections
  • Skin Cancer Checks
  • Travel Vaccines

We provide care for the whole family and employ doctors who will give you special attention for men’s, women’s, or children’s health concerns. Our facility is state-of-the-art with all the equipment that supports high quality medical care. Our clinic service schedule includes being open on Saturday and Sunday so that you don’t have to schedule a day off from work for routine care.

The Vision Behind Hoppers Lane General Practice: a Medical Centre Right for Wyndham

We opened in 2012 with a clear concept and vision: be an outstanding medical centre open to the residents of Wyndham. We have maintained our focus on working with doctors that have the right credentials, maintaining modern and up-to-date facilities that work the way our patients need them to, and employing a helpful support team that will give a friendly, warm welcome to each of our patients, whether it is a first visit or someone who’s been with us from the beginning.

Our doctors are trained in current healthcare techniques and cover a variety of special interests. Within the same facility, we offer pathology and radiology labs as well as allied health, dental service, and a convenient cafe for while you wait.

We understand the pain and uncertainty that comes with dealing with a sick loved one and not knowing who to turn to for help. We’ve taken all the steps to remove that uncertainty for the residents of Wyndham and will continue to do so to support your family’s future health needs. Even though we offer all the available amenities of a large clinic, we still haven’t lost our small clinic roots. Before you even walk through the open door, you’ll feel the comfort and welcoming feeling our staff is proud to provide. Contact us any time Monday through Sunday to start a relationship that puts your family’s needs at the centre.

Point Cook GP’s at Hoppers Lane General Practice Offer Healthcare Services at Medicaid Rates

Finding a doctor who understands your needs and makes you feel comfortable enough to talk to them honestly and openly is not always easy. At Hoppers Lane General Practice, our doctors understand the community and several of our Point Cook GP’s speak more than one language. There are male as well as female doctors on our staff, and they offer specialist services such as shared pregnancy care, skin cancer checks, and geriatric care.

You don’t only need a Point Cook GP when you’re ill or suffer an injury; at Hoppers Lane General Practice we believe in preventative medical care for you and your family to help you stay healthy through all stages of your life. From immunisations for babies to chronic disease care for the elderly, these services are available at our medical clinic serving the Point Cook community. We also offer auxiliary services such as cosmetic procedures, a travel clinic, and medical examinations for aviation, heavy vehicle, and taxi licences.

When you book an appointment with a doctor at Hoppers Lane General Practice, remember to bring along your valid Medicaid card. We bulk-charge for visits to a Point Cook GP, so you don’t need to pay from your pocket.

At Hoppers Lane General Practice, we understand that it’s sometimes difficult to book an appointment for a medical visit during working hours. Our practice opens at 8 am on weekdays, and 9 am on weekends and public holidays, and during the week you can book an appointment as late as 11 pm. If you need to see a Point Cook GP, schedule an appointment online or call us at 03 8731 6500 to arrange a visit or have your questions about our services answered.

Hoppers Lane General Practice is a GP Medical Clinic for Werribee with a Modern Vasectomy Procedure

Werribee residents can now enjoy the high quality modern medical care they deserve. Hoppers Lane General Practice is located nearby and provides a variety of medical procedures for the whole family. As a GP, we have doctors who will be able to provide you with supportive consultations to discuss your concerns then help direct and coordinate your ongoing medical care.

In addition to our GP clinic capacities, we offer elective procedures and surgeries. One of the standard procedures we offer is the vasectomy. As a modern part of preventive contraception, a vasectomy will give you tremendous confidence as you learn how effective the procedure is at preventing pregnancy.

What’s Involved in a Vasectomy for Werribee Men?

A vasectomy is not a new procedure, so there have been many developments since it was first pioneered to prevent pregnancy. While traditionally doctors would perform surgery that involved a scalpel cutting in and severing the vas deferens, there is now a way to accomplish the same procedure without the scalpel.

Medical professionals complete the modern no-scalpel vasectomy first by carefully locating the vas deferens from the exterior of the body. Once located, a small hole is made to expose it–the doctor will then cut or tie the tube and close the hole without even needing stitches to complete the procedure.

General anaesthetic is not usually used for this procedure, but we do apply a local anaesthetic to ensure you do not feel any pain. With the no-scalpel technique, you’ll be back to work the next day with minimal pain or discomfort.

Save Money with an Affordable Vasectomy

At our medical clinic, Werribee men will find the costs for preventative health services and vasectomies are well within budget. As a GP for Werribee and a full-service clinic with a variety of departments, we can cut overhead expenditures tremendously and reduce the cost of every procedure we perform. As a result, your out-of-pocket cost after Medicare is applied is typically just under $455.

Our experienced surgeons have been trained in the United Kingdom to offer this procedure with professional care and attention. Since our founding, our team has performed hundreds of vasectomies, and there is nothing like the direct experience of years of medical practice when it comes to providing supportive and reliable support to individuals and families in need of care.

Engage HLGP for All Your Medical Needs

Hoppers Lane General Practice has been open since 2012 and is home to a team of highly qualified doctors from a variety of medical backgrounds. We provide GP medical service for the suburbs of southwest Melbourne but are not limited to GP medical service. Our modern medical clinic can help you with a variety of elective surgeries and procedures, including a vasectomy.

We offer convenient hours and our friendly staff can help to answer your questions. Contact us today to schedule an appointment to meet with a doctor or schedule online.

GP and Women’s Health Medical Clinic in Werribee

Hoppers Lane General Practice provides complete women’s health care in Werribee. We have been here since 2012, and our modern facility is state of the art. Our family-friendly medical clinic in Werribee is open seven days a week with late night appointments available. We are conveniently located across from Werribee Mercy Hospital.

What is Women’s Health in Werribee and Elsewhere?

Men and women are both human, and as such, can suffer from the same maladies. The most significant difference between the two is the reproductive organs. With the ability to create, nurture and give birth to a living being, women’s health needs are complex. Hormone changes throughout a woman’s life present circumstances that require specialised care and finding a GP in Werribee is crucial to proper women’s health.

How are We Different?

Our GP in Werribee operates from a family-friendly medical clinic devoted to providing women with the care they need without having to visit multiple locations. We have our own pathology and radiology departments and have retained allied health professionals to make your visit more convenient. We offer shared maternity care and offer travel vaccinations. Our varied medical staff allows us to treat acute illnesses, provide disease preventing immunisations, manage chronic medical conditions, and provide family planning. Our medical clinic in Werribee can manage women’s health needs through all stages of life.

Hoppers Lane GP in Werribee also supports future health professionals with continuing relationships with Notre Dame University and Melbourne University. Our GP’s mentor up and coming healthcare professionals, teaching them how to work in a team environment.

Our Doctors

We have over a dozen GPs available to respond to your women’s health needs in Werribee. All our doctors have multiple interests. For example, Dr Kirsta Craig has a special interest in antenatal care and provides chronic disease management for diabetes, ischaemic heart disease and asthma care. Dr Saeidh Khodabakshi has been a GP in Werribee for nine years. She has special interests in skin cancer, mole biopsy and removals, skin checks, mental health, sexual health, and weight management to name a few. She is also a shared care maternity doctor. Dr Saber Ansari can identify and manage orthopaedic and musculoskeletal fractures and dislocation as well as tendon injuries. He also has a clinical interest in chronic disease management, preventative medicine, and mental health.

Hours and Billing

Our modern, state of the art facility is open seven days per week from 8:00 a.m. to 11:00 p.m. Monday through Friday and 9:00 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. Saturday and Sunday. We are open on all public holidays (except Christmas Day) from 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. We bulk bill Medicaid for most services, and our friendly staff can give you more details when setting your appointment.

Now that you’ve found your GP medical clinic in Werribee let us take care of all your women’s health care needs. Contact us to schedule an appointment with one of our qualified professionals and find the treatment you’ve been looking for under one roof.

GP and Women’s Health Medical Clinic in Werribee

Hoppers Lane General Practice provides complete women’s health care in Werribee. We have been here since 2012, and our modern facility is state of the art. Our family-friendly medical clinic in Werribee is open seven days a week with late night appointments available. We are conveniently located across from Werribee Mercy Hospital.

What is Women’s Health in Werribee and Elsewhere?

Men and women are both human, and as such, can suffer from the same maladies. The most significant difference between the two is the reproductive organs. With the ability to create, nurture and give birth to a living being, women’s health needs are more challenging. Hormone changes throughout a woman’s life present circumstances that require specialised care and finding a GP in Werribee is crucial to proper women’s health.

How are We Different?

Our GP in Werribee operates from a family-friendly medical clinic devoted to providing women with the care they need without having to visit multiple locations. We have our own pathology and radiology departments and have retained allied health professionals to make your visit more convenient. We offer shared maternity care and offer travel vaccinations. Our varied medical staff allows us to treat acute illnesses, provide disease preventing immunisations, manage chronic medical conditions, and provide family planning. Our medical clinic in Werribee can manage women’s health needs through all stages of life.

Hoppers Lane GP in Werribee also supports future health professionals with continuing relationships with Notre Dame University and Melbourne University. Our GP’s mentor up and coming healthcare professionals, teaching them how to work in a team environment.

Our Doctors

We have over a dozen GPs available to respond to your women’s health needs in Werribee. All our doctors have multiple interests. For example, Dr Kirsta Craig has a special interest in antenatal care and provides chronic disease management for diabetes, ischaemic heart disease and asthma care. Dr Saeidh Khodabakshi has been a GP in Werribee for nine years. She has special interests in skin cancer, mole biopsy and removals, skin checks, mental health, sexual health, and weight management to name a few. She is also a shared care maternity doctor. Dr Saber Ansari can identify and manage orthopaedic and musculoskeletal fractures and dislocation as well as tendon injuries. He also has a clinical interest in chronic disease management, preventative medicine, and mental health.

Hours and Billing

Our modern, state of the art facility is open seven days per week from 8:00 a.m. to 11:00 p.m. Monday through Friday and 9:00 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. Saturday and Sunday. We are open on all public holidays (except Christmas Day) from 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. We bulk bill Medicaid for most services, and our friendly staff can give you more details when setting your appointment.

Now that you’ve found your GP medical clinic in Werribee let us take care of all your women’s health care needs. Contact us to schedule an appointment with one of our qualified professionals and find the treatment you’ve been looking for under one roof.