How to help your partner prepare for and recover from a vasectomy

Couple in love

Is your husband or partner undergoing a vasectomy? Surgery, especially reproductive operations, can be nerve wracking and uncomfortable for a lot of men. Choosing permanent contraception is often a joint decision so remaining supportive through the entire process of a vasectomy is important. Here’s how you can support your partner through getting a vasectomy, from the preparation to the recovery. 


Every surgery involves some level of preparation, and a vasectomy is no exception. There’s a few things you can do as a partner to ensure you are both prepared before the procedure. 

Decide together

Choosing to get a vasectomy isn’t a decision to be taken lightly. Deciding to undergo the snip means limiting your choice to have children later on. It’s vital to ensure both parties are on the same page about the surgery and feel good about the decision. No one wants to feel pressured into the decision or regret the choice later on.

Schedule the date 

Booking a vasectomy isn’t as simple as booking a haircut. You’ll need to factor at least a day or two of recovery post operation. As you’ll be caring for your partner post procedure, choose a date which works for both of you. If you have children then it’s a good idea to arrange suitable childcare for the day of the procedure. 

Attend the clinic

It’s common for men to feel nervous before the procedure so having a loved one accompany them to the clinic can help to ease their nerves. Some calming and supportive words prior are always appreciated. If you are unable to wait with them or come into the operation room, arrange to drop and pick your partner up afterwards. They’ll be tired following the procedure so likely won’t feel like driving. 

Stock up on the essentials

Take the time before the procedure to ensure you’ve got all the recovery essentials. Many former patients recommend resting  to ease the swelling, panadol to help with pain, and supportive underwear like jockstraps / Briefs rather than boxers. Purchasing your partners favourite snacks and treats is also a lovely way to make them feel supported and loved post recovery.


The recovery time for a vasectomy is considered rather short as it’s an out-patient procedure, but it will take a few weeks till your partner feels totally back to normal. Here are a few ways to help them recover from their procedure. 

Encourage rest

There can be pressure for men to “bounce back” quickly post surgery. While you cannot force your partner to take it easy, encourage them to rest and limit activity so they can recover quicker. If you have children, having a friend or family member look after the kids for a few days is a good idea. It can allow your partner to rest peacefully and guilt free without worrying about the children. 

Make them a care package

If you’re unable to be at home during your partners’ recovery, create a care package for them. Ensure that the cold pack, water, panadol and some snacks are in close proximity to their recovery zone. They’ll have limited mobility so won’t feel like making the trip to get the basics often. You can also choose some enjoyable films, books, video games or podcasts for them to enjoy while they recover. 

Be sympathetic

While no one likes a whinger, being sympathetic to your partner’s pain post procedure is important. The pain comparison of ‘being kicked in the balls’ may not mean a lot to you if you don’t have male genitalia and you may feel tempted to compare their experience to the pain of childbirth. However, being sympathetic can go a long way. Understand that they will be in a degree of discomfort and pain for a few days and will likely just want to feel supported, listened to and loved. Caring words and a willingness to listen can make a world of difference.

Be patient

It’s recommended to abstain from any sexual activity for at least few days if not one week following the operation. During this time it’s important that you respect the recovery process. Wait until your partner feels ready and ensure to respect their boundaries especially surrounding any discomfort. You’ll also need to continue using another form of contraception until the procedure has been considered successful.

Schedule the check-up

The check-up appointment should not be missed. It’s essential to check that the procedure has been successful and there are no remaining sperm. It’s recommended to keep using contraception until the three month check-up. 


If you have any questions regarding the procedure and recovery process, attend the consultation with your partner or get in touch with the clinic.

Book your vasectomy today

If you live in the Melbourne area book a vasectomy with one of our highly experienced surgeons today. We offer the highest quality of service at a cost of less than $500 out of pocket. Call (03) 8731 6500 to book or send us an email via our contact form.

Vasectomy vs. Tubal Ligaton

Couple discussing vasectomy vs tubal ligation

If you are a couple considering permanent contraception, then you have two options; vasectomy and tubal ligation. Some couples find the decision to have no or more children to be difficult and emotional, especially when choosing which partner should undergo the procedure. While every couple is different, we recommend weighing up the pros and cons of both choices before making your decision.

Comparing vasectomy to tubal ligation 

While both are intended to achieve the same result (permanent contraception), comparing tubal ligation to a vasectomy is like comparing apples to oranges. A vasectomy is an outpatient procedure performed under local anaesthetic with minimal recovery time. A tubal ligation is considered an invasive surgery requiring general anaesthetic and greater recovery time. However, both have their own benefits and disadvantages.

The benefits and disadvantages of tubal ligation 

Tubal ligation, or having your ‘tubes tied’, is an option for women who no longer want to conceive a child. Currently 99% effective, tubal ligation is considered a permanent surgery with very limited possibility of a reversal. Tubal ligation can be an appealing choice for women who experience negative side effects from other contraceptives such as oral pills or the Intrauterine Device (IUD). 

A salpingectomy is now more common than the traditional tubal ligation and involves the removal of one or both fallopian tubes. A salpingectomy is usually considered as a prevention measure to reduce the risk of ovarian cancer and prevent ectopic pregnancy. It can also be used to treat endometriosis, fallopian infection and fallopian, uterine or ovarian cancer. 

Tubal ligation is a surgery that requires a patient to go under general anaesthetic. Due to this, there are risks of surgical complications including infection, internal bleeding and reaction to anaesthetic. The recovery from the procedure can be painful and occasionally involves a hospital stay. Due to the complexity of the procedure, it can be expensive costing thousands of dollars depending on insurance and the medical provider 

The benefits and disadvantages of a vasectomy 

A vasectomy is an ideal procedure for men who are wanting an easy and effective contraception option. Vasectomies also have a greater chance of being reversed compared to tubal ligation. Undergoing a vasectomy is an outpatient procedure and only requires local anesthesia so there is minimal recovery time is required. 

While the procedure of a vasectomy is only 15 minutes, the recovery time is estimated around 24 hours and some patients may experience pain and swelling for a few days following the operation. Unlike the tubal ligation, a vasectomy does not prevent from any cancers or other conditions. 

Compared to the higher risks of a tubal ligation, the side effects of a vasectomy are considerably low. Chronic pain, infection and bruising are some of the risks of undergoing a vasectomy. 

Vasectomy Tubal Ligation
Cost (approximate) $500 out of pocket at Hoppers Lane $4,500, depending on private insurance and provider
Procedure Time (approximate) 20 minutes 30 minutes
Recovery Time 24 hours 1 week
Risks Possibility of infection, blood clotting and chronic pain. Possibility of infection and damage to blood vessels, bladder, bowel. Chronic pelvic and abdomen pain is also a risk.
Side Effects Can experience minor discomfort and swelling. Can experience shoulder pain, sore throat, bloating, scarring, and vaginal bleeding or discharge post procedure. Fatigue, dizziness and abdomen pain is also common. Scarring can occur.
Reversal Possible Highly unlikely

Seek expert advice

To ensure you make the decision right for you and your partner, we recommend seeking expert advice. At Hoppers Lane, we can answer any questions regarding vasectomy procedures and why it’s recommended over tubal ligation. Get in touch today. 

Please note: Hoppers Lane GP does not provide tubal ligation surgery.


This article was reviewed by Dr Suman Musku

A UK-trained enthusiastic GP with 14 years’ experience. Dr Suman Musku has been working as a GP for several years and enjoys being a Generalist. His Membership in surgery and hospital rotations has allowed him to competently practice and manage Chronic Disease conditions and surgical problems.

His clinical interests include men’s health (vasectomies), dermatology and minor surgical procedures. Dr Suman has a passion towards teaching and has students from Melbourne Medical School. He holds high regards to communication skills and is appreciative of social/psychological factors involved in a patient’s life. “My aim is to strive towards providing exceptional standard of care to my patients”.

Does a vasectomy hurt?

vasectomy hurt

Does a vasectomy hurt?

Considering a vasectomy, but worried about the pain? You are not alone. Many men are initially hesitant about undergoing a vasectomy because of the potential pain and discomfort involved. We have even been asked whether the pain of a vasectomy is comparable to a kick to the testicles! Fortunately, we can attest that it is not nearly as painful. 


You are likely to feel some pain during the procedure and while recovering, however both are not long lasting or exceedingly painful.


Is the procedure painful?

We use a procedure called a no scalpel vasectomy. This vasectomy does not use a scalpel, which reduces postoperative pain and improves recovery time. The operation usually takes around 30 minutes to complete.


During the operation, local anaesthetic will be applied which can cause some minor discomfort. 

Some patients also report that they feel some tugging or pressure during the procedure which can feel slightly uncomfortable, but not considered painful and eases by the end of the procedure. 


What about the recovery?

The recovery from a no scalpel vasectomy is expected to be slightly uncomfortable than the procedure. We recommend our patients to rest for 24 hours following the operation. As it’s an outpatient procedure, you are able to drive home afterwards. However, some men find it takes a few days until they feel 100 hundred per cent. We advise you to limit any strenuous activity such as cycling or running for at least seven days after the procedure. The same advice applies to any sexual activity. 


Following your procedure, your doctor will give you postoperative aftercare written advice and suggest any specific pain management options. Many patients report that icing the area, elevation and rest can help reduce swelling and quicken the recovery time. Any throbbing or pain usually lasts a few days and can be treated with over the counter medication such as Panadol or Nurofen. 


The risks involved

Just like any minor surgery, there are some minimal risks involved when undergoing a vasectomy like infection and minimal bleeding which can be managed easily. Many patients worry about increased cancer risk, however there is currently no evidence from clinical trials that shows an association between prostate cancer and having a vasectomy.

The risk of complications during a procedure is extremely low. There is a small risk of possible infection, blood clotting and chronic pain following a vasectomy. Your doctor will ensure you are aware of these before your procedure and can prescribe a postoperative treatment plan if necessary.


This article was reviewed by Dr Suman Musku

A UK-trained enthusiastic GP with 14 years’ experience. Dr Suman Musku has been working as a GP for several years and enjoys being a Generalist. His Membership in surgery and hospital rotations has allowed him to competently practice and manage Chronic Disease conditions and surgical problems.

His clinical interests include men’s health (vasectomies), dermatology and minor surgical procedures. Dr Suman has a passion towards teaching and has students from Melbourne Medical School. He holds high regards to communication skills and is appreciative of social/psychological factors involved in a patient’s life. “My aim is to strive towards providing exceptional standard of care to my patients”.