Medical Acupuncture

Medical Acupuncture

Medical Acupuncture

Dr Amir Faham is a medically trained and certified medical acupuncturist operating out of Hoppers Lane GP, Werribee.

How does acupuncture work?

Dr Faham’s practice provides acupuncture therapy can release blocked QI in the body and stimulate function, evoking the body’s natural healing response through various physiological systems. By stimulating the body’s various systems, acupuncture can help to resolve pain including chronic pain, migraines, osteoarthritis, and improve sleep, digestive function, anxiety and depression, and sense of well-being.

Where can I find more information about conditions that acupuncture is able to treat?

More information can be viewed on the World Health Organisation website about diseases that can be treated with Medical Acupuncture. In 2002, the WHO conducted a study reviewing the effectiveness of acupuncture for certain conditions. This study can be found here.

Book your acupuncture online

To book your session with Dr Faham please visit our online bookings page and select ‘Dr Amir Faham – Acupuncture’.


Hoppers Lane General Practice is located in Hoppers Crossing, Werribee. HLGP is conveniently located on Hoppers Lane, which is just off Princes Highway. The location means it is just a few minutes’ drive from the centres of Point Cook, Werribee and Hoppers Crossing.

Use the map below to find Hoppers Lane General Practice.

FAQs from Dr Amir Faham

What is acupuncture?

Acupuncture is a practice that involves inserting a very fine needle into different points of the body. These points of the body are known as ‘acupuncture points’. Acupuncture can also be conducted using a low-powered laser – this is known as ‘laser acupuncture’.

Is acupuncture painful?

Pain from insertion of an acupuncture needle is usually very minimal. If you opt for laser acupuncture there is no pain at all.

Does acupuncture work?

Acupuncture is very popular for a reason. Most famously, acupuncture is successful in treating pain, but can be applied to a variety of medical conditions.

What is the difference between acupuncture and dry needling?

Dry needling is simply inserting a needle on a painful part of the body. Often this is conducted by a physiotherapy practitioner or another allied health professional – using this method can help you with pain.

There is no traditional Chinese medicine training involved in dry needling – it is a one day course to be able to conduct the practice. Training to become an acupuncturist takes 4 years of study at University.

Furthermore, dry needling is not recommended for every painful condition as it can cause some conditions to worsen.

What happens at an acupuncture appointment?

When you meet with Doctor Faham he will first talk through your medical history and conduct a thorough examination. Then, based on his professional opinion and your preference as a his patient he will then conduct acupuncture using either a fine needle or a laser to stimulate parts of your body.

Acupuncture is conducted in a relaxed environment and you will usually be lying down for at least 20 minutes. At the end of the session, the needles will be removed

Does an acupuncturist have to study to practice?

Definitely. If you are not a qualified doctor it takes 4 years of study to become an acupuncturist.